Customised Learning Pathways

Tailored and flexible plans for each student

Pathway Structure

A customised learning pathway is a unique road map developed with each student towards any learning objectives they need to master. Learning pathways are more than a course selection guide, they cover the specific learning objectives and the route a student will take to acquire and demonstrate knowledge in any given subject area.

Learning pathways are jointly developed between the college and the student

Student’s co-design their learning rather than simply complying with the directions and expectations of others. The pathway is designed to encourage students to take ownership of their learning, find greater meaning and purpose, and become independent and confident in their learning skills. This empowers students to pursue their passions while encouraging them to take more responsibility for their own education. The aim is for our students to develop a pathway to graduation that prepares them for life.

How it works:

  • Education outside the classroom is a key component of learning at Huanui College
  • New online education programmes allow students to catch up with their peers if they fall behind
  • Provision of learning experiences with outside providers to grow student’s extramural opportunities
  • Customised pathways are designed to suit each child’s needs  
  • Students may blend their academic programme with other options, including online learning, tertiary courses and/or commerce or business partners

Careers Central

Career Central is an online programme designed to assist students plan their future learning and career. Each student at Huanui College receives an updated plan each term.

As students, Career Central will help you:

  • Identify personal qualities, interests, career values, and skills
  • Browse, research, and store jobs that you feel will suit you
  • Indicate intentions for the following year, this can include subjects you may be considering, or tertiary education choices
  • Indicate interest in other programs, (e.g., gateway, taster courses, and trade academies)
  • Create a CV
  • View any career interview notes
  • Message the Careers Leader, book an interview, or make a request (e.g a reference for a job)
  • Explore resources and opportunities such as event invitations, relevant notices and links to useful websites for further information
  • Set personal, education, and careers goals

All students from Years 9-13 will liaise with the Careers Education and Futures Leader, Mrs Koning to ensure they have selected an appropriate course of study.

Subject Selection

The annual Course of Study Guide is available to all students making subjects selections. Subject choices start in Year 9 (IGCSE) and again Year 11 (AS & A2).  Students will be guided by the teaching staff as to suitability for each course selection and availability. Students and their families are encouraged to make an appointment with the Careers Education and Futures Leader, Mrs Koning to consult about their choices.

Additional to the careers advice, is our Courses of Study Guide. The guide covers the subjects available, the content covered, recommendations and pre-requisites for each subject – along with other information about teaching and learning at Huanui College.

Click here to open the Courses of Study Guide.

Outside Educational Providers

Huanui College is developing an integrated secondary-tertiary programme that will support learners in assessing Vocational Education options.

Tertiary providers are invited to Huanui College to speak to interested students about undergraduate or diploma studies. This is followed up by enrolment visits at the end of each year. 

Students also have opportunities to visit Career Expos, held locally in Whangārei, and in Auckland.

Alumni Influence

Huanui College Alumni is a pool of talent the school can draw upon to inform and shape decisions for existing pupils. These visits will give students an opportunity to explore the vast amount of career options available and hear about career and study pathways previous pupils have undertaken.

Why Huanui

Huanui Way

Customised Learning

Student Agency
and Leadership


Academic Challenge
and Support

High Trust / High
Responsibility Environment


+64 9 459 1930