International Students

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Huanui College welcomes International Students as an important part of our school community. International Students enhance the learning environment of our school and provide a valuable cultural student mix.

At Huanui College, Alicia Bekker can assist with the application process. Students participate in a comprehensive orientation programme including; school expectations, environment, and pastoral care provision at the school.

International students are integrated into regular classes across Years 7 to 13 and, where appropriate, receive extra support in identified subject areas.

International Prospectus

Click here to view our International Prospectus as a PDF. More information for each of these sections is available from Alicia Bekker on request.

Why study in Whangārei?

Combine your learning with time spent exploring Northland’s long sandy beaches, majestic forests and rich Māori cultural heritage. Click here to read more on the Study Northland official website.


A variety of homestay accommodation can be organised through the school or, if living in a self-appointed homestay, details of those arrangements must be provided to Huanui College. There is also a licensed hostel available for international student accommodation. Details of the hostel can be obtained from the school.  All homestay and hostel accommodation is monitored by the Huanui College International Director in accordance with the Code. Costs of accommodation are varied and can be obtained from the International Director, Alicia Bekker. Please contact the school for further details.

Details of International Student Enrolment

Code of Practice

Huanui College has been accepted as a signatory and has agreed to observe and be bound by the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students, published by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. Copies of the Code are available on request from the school or from the NZQA website.

Admission process

To apply, please use the online application form, or, please contact the school and an application form will be sent out to you. The completed application form needs to include the following: a photocopy of the student’s passport, a copy of the student’s birth certificate, copies of school reports, references, and certificates from their current school. Students need to supply evidence of all prior learning in its original non-translated format.


Student Placement

On acceptance and in consultation with the student, students are placed at an appropriate academic level. This placement is determined by the student’s academic ability, course content previously covered, and age.

Conditions of Acceptance

Students are accepted for enrolment following an an interview and an assessment of the following categories:

  • Level of written and spoken English Language
  • Previous school reports
  • Character references and testimonials
  • Academic ability for courses chosen
  • Co-curricular activities
  • Available places in the applied for Year Level
  • Suitable living arrangements


Huanui College follows the Cambridge International Examinations programme (CIE). This is an internationally recognised qualification and is acceptable to Universities worldwide. Please visit the CIE website for further details.


Please contact the school for information regarding fees. 

International Tuition Fees do NOT cover the cost of:

  • Student Activities Levy
  • Private Music Tuition
  • Laptops and any related computer costs
  • Student visa and permit application fee
  • Travel and medical insurance
  • Uniform items (school and sport)
  • Optional activities (costs will be advised in advance)
  • Stationery – textbooks are included in levy
  • Entry fees for Cambridge International Examinations

Approximate uniform costs are as follows:

  • Junior College – Years 7-9 $ 550.00
  • Senior College Girls – Years 10-13 $ 600.00
  • Senior College Boys – Years 10-13 $ 750.00

Visa Requirements

To study at Huanui College, all international students must have a valid student visa.  For full details of visa requirements and advice on rights to employment whilst studying in New Zealand, please go to New Zealand Immigration Service.

Contact Us

Please contact us for an application form, details of fees, and other information about our school and region.

Phone: 0064 (9) 459 1930 or email Alicia at

Course of Study 2024

This course handbook outlines, for students and parents, the courses of study available to students in Year 7 to Year 13 – click here to read more about the courses we have to offer.

Course of Study 2024


+64 9 459 1930