Student Leaders

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Our 2024 Prefect Team are:

Head Prefects: Kate Bradley and Alex Horwood. Deputy Head Prefects: Jade Culham (Whanaungatanga Prefect), Charlotte Gorrie, Evan Hostad, Ariya Naidoo and Nate Owens. Whānau Prefects: Hannah Adams (Blake), Justus Huneke (Ngāpua), Jungmin Park (Hillary) and Esther Wiegersma (Sheppard). School Prefects: Isabela Welford, Daniel Barton, Madison Diamond, Lucy Manning, Lucy Murray, Rohit Rajaraman, Amy Wallace, Jules Benson-Wright, Kaitlyn Oliver and Caleb Taylor.

As members of the Prefect Team at Huanui College, they are a special group. Our Prefects take on important positions of responsibility in the school.

From our Head Prefects

 Kate Bradley | Head Prefect

The College presents many opportunities for its students. I aim to lead by example and encourage the students to utilise these opportunities and extend themselves to try new things; despite backgrounds or past experiences. Personally, I have come to love many new sporting and musical extra curricular through Huanui. It’s incredibly valuable and important for the students to experience as many aspects of learning as they can, and “strive for personal excellence” through any chosen path. My advice for the students is “work hard, play hard!” The College shows you the importance of hard work and how it can pay off. However, I think it’s just as important to be proud of what you have achieved and enjoy the different stages that High School has to offer.



Alex Horwood | Head Prefect

I am extremely keen to implement new initiatives to improve the College experience for the juniors who walk in the footsteps of our cohort, and the many more to come. I look forward to working alongside our amazing Head Prefect Team to make our shared vision a reality, as well as set up our future leaders for success.

My aspiration as Head Boy is to make the whole school community a more fun and vibrant group to be a part of. The sense of community in a small school like this is vital. We have the opportunity to utilise the people and resources around us to achieve our goals for the year.



Charlotte Gorrie | Deputy Head Prefect

This year, I look forward to running competitions the whole school can get involved in. Competitions (such as Chaos) help to improve our school’s
connectivity whilst being fun. I am also extremely excited to get to know all the younger students who have just started at Huanui, as well as to create stronger connections with the current students. My hope is that students will feel comfortable coming to me with any worries and be able to ask for support. Throughout the year, I will work alongside the sports prefect to help create more sporting opportunities, encourage students to get  involved in sporting events, and organise fundraisers for new sports equipment. 

The main advice I would give to the younger students is to take advantage of all the opportunities that come your way, as you never know where they could lead you. Enthusiastically participating in the random events that pop up, such as MathX, Athletics Day, or dress-up days, is a great way to have some unexpected fun and score Whānau points (GO HILLARY!!!).



Evan Hostad | Deputy Head Prefect

I want to help the students of Huanui to be comfortable being and expressing
themselves whilst at the College. Before I came to Huanui I was home- schooled, just as quite a few of this year’s new students were. I understand the stress you might be going through with the transition of schooling styles. It can be a daunting change but I think it is 100% worth it.

My advice for everyone would be that you never need to struggle alone. There are so many of us here to help you whenever and wherever you need it. Your friends, teachers and us Year 13s are all here. So approach me, or your Whānau Leader or anybody on the Student Leadership Team for anything you may need as this is what we are all here for.



Ariya Naidoo | Deputy Head Prefect

In my role as Deputy Head Prefect, I am committed to addressing challenges such as academic stress and mental health. Implementing support systems, organizing workshops, and advocating for open dialogue in these areas will be integral to fostering a healthy and thriving community.

To my fellow students, especially the younger ones, I offer the advice of embracing every opportunity for growth. School is not just about academics but also about discovering your passions, building friendships, and developing resilience. Cherish the journey, seek guidance when needed, and remember that each setback is a stepping stone to success. Ultimately, High School is a transformative period where personal development takes precedence over prescribed roles. Embrace the journey, stay true to yourself, and remember that your true worth, whether it is acknowledged or not,  goes beyond any title.



Nate Owens | Deputy Head Prefect

Since I was in Year 7, I have always looked up to the student leadership team and the work that they had done for the school. I have also wanted to have 

the opportunity to leave a positive impact on a place that has impacted my, and many others lives so much. Joining the leadership team in 2024 gives me the opportunity to leave a positive impact on the school, and I hope I can inspire the younger students to become leaders, so they may leave a lasting impact on the school as well. 

I urge every student who has any queries about anything at all to come to me or any of the Head Prefect Team who will be more than happy to give you advice or support in your schooling life. 



Jade Culham | Whanaungatanga Deputy Head Prefect

As a leader I want to actively involve students in all activities that happen. With their ideas and opinions they can help things run smoothly and make them enjoyable. I want to expand the mentorship programme already available for the senior years to motivate students to take pride in their future. My advice to younger students is to make the most of the College experience. This is the only opportunity you have, academically and socially, so enjoy swimming sports and cross country! Take advantage of free time and opportunities offered to you. Push yourself to strive for personal excellence and remember to be kind. If you need any help your peers, teachers and family will be there to support you.


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