Huanui College has a targeted Careers and Futures Programme to help our students plan for their futures, and offer a unique opportunity to all students to gain careers advice in an individual setting. We have a Careers and Future Learning Room located just off our main foyer area where students can access careers resources. We do encourage our students to do independent research, as well as seek advice from the Careers Leader and their subject teachers to help them make informed decisions about their subject choices. We can recommend several excellent websites to assist with this! Making an appointment is easy, and our staff are happy to help prepare our students for whatever their next steps are.
Our Careers Education and Futures Leader, Mrs Koning offers one-to-one meetings with all Year 9-13 students to provide guidance and advice around selecting the most appropriate course of study. To arrange an appointment, please contact the school office for details, or contact Mrs Koning direct via email.
At Huanui College we use an online programme to help guide our students towards their future careers. The programme we use is called Careers Central, and is an online programme which is regularly updated with details of all our Year 9-13 student’s profiles.
Click here to go to Careers Central.