Arts and Culture

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At Huanui College we believe that everybody can benefit from the unlocking of individual creative potential and we celebrate the arts which aid our students to grow, develop, and enhance their learning journeys. Our staff are committed to providing high-quality art education and transformative learning experiences in pursuit of artistic expression and excellence.  They see their role as arts educators to facilitate an environment to help their students express themselves, whilst helping to also make sense of the world around them. 

We offer students a broad curriculum taught by specialist teachers in stimulating and nurturing environments. Skills covered include: Technical Drawing, Painting, Watercolour, Sketching, Rendering, Printmaking, Clay work, Pencil work, Observations, Pastels, and Woodcut prints. In the Digital Realm, students cover Photography, Stop Motion, Video, Layout and Presentation skills, 3D Modelling and Design. 

Visual and Performing Arts

Year 7-9

All students take compulsory Visual Art, Digital Media, Music and Design Technology Classes.

Year 10-13

Art, Music, and Design Technology is optional at this level, although school performance events are compulsory and a lot of fun too. Creative activities are a regular offering for every Thursday afternoon Activity Programmes, and students at these year levels can have the opportunity to choose, and lead in a creative activity during these times.

The “Big Sing” and “Small Band” Whānau Competitions

Annually, the Arts Department stage a ‘Big Sing Whānau Competition’ where each whānau sing together as a whole group. Each whānau spend the year leading up to this event planning and practicing their Big Sing, and preform in front of the whole school, and get judged by professionals of the industry in the quest for whānau points, and, the victory of the Big Sing Trophy.

The ‘Small Band Whānau Competition’ follows on from the Big Sing, and is open to all musicians, band members, singers, instrumentalists, dancers, and drama students. Each act perform in front of the school, and are judged with the winner taking home the Small Band Trophy. 

This opportunity also provides our students who are studying towards music qualifications both inside and outside of the school’s curriculum an authentic experience to perform and gain confidence whilst showing off their skills to friends, whānau, and the wider school community. 

Art Exhibition

Each year Huanui College holds an Art Exhibition to showcase our student’s amazing artworks. We are proud to display works in the form of paintings, prints, photography, and model making.  The students benefit from learning exhibitor skills and how to make the best of display space and lighting to best show off their work. We have been known to hold silent auctions for some of the works, which is particularly thrilling for the students involved.

Extra-curricular Music Lessons

Learning to play an instrument is a great way to improve fine motor skills and encourages mental stimulation and potentially provides a lifelong interest. Playing an instrument is an artistic and emotional outlet, often leading to playing with others in bands and orchestras, providing a social entertainment for life.

Private tutors visit Huanui College and offer instrumental music lessons on these instruments:

Bass guitar: John Fraser and Rogan Mortimer
Clarinet: Katherine Trevilyan
Double Bass: John Fraser
Flute: Katherine Trevilyan
Guitar: Rogan Mortimer
Piano: Delwyn Franklin and Katherine Trevilyan
Saxophone: Katherine Trevilyan
Tuned Percussion (Marimba): Jungmin Lim (student tutor)
Vocal: Amy Wallace (student tutor)

Lessons are given  individually for 30 minutes. Teachers are paid directly by parents. Teachers will provide their terms and conditions of employment. 

Please email for details and to arrange lessons.

We have limited spaces available for 2025 and 2026. Enrol now for 2027 and 2028.

Read more about the enrolment process


+64 9 459 1930