Academic Life in Years 7-9

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In Years 7-9 at Huanui College students are grouped into a home class. They remain together in this class across all subject lessons, (unless any student requires one-on-one extra tuition in the Key Learning programme).

They will be required to move around the campus throughout the day, as lessons are held in different classrooms. We recognise this is a new experience for our younger pupils, so support is available if needed. A home class structure creates stability for our younger students, aiding in their transition from Primary School.

Courses of Study Guide

Each year, we release a Course of Study Guide. The guide covers the subjects available, the content covered, recommendations and pre-requisites for each subject – along with other information about teaching and learning at Huanui College.

Click here to open the Courses of Study Guide.

15 Subjects on offer | Years 7-9

Students follow a compulsory course in Years 7-9 which introduces a broad range of subjects and experiences. This method of teaching provides a strong foundation for students to achieve across a wide range of learning opportunities. Students are involved in our Activities Programme every Thursday afternoon (click here to read more about the activities programme).

For more information on the future pathways and futures associated with these subjects, contact our Careers and Futures Leader, Toni Koning.

Art • Design Technology • Digital Media • Music • Financial Literacy • English • Te Reo Māori • Global Futures and Societies (Social Studies) • Mathematics • Physical Education • Experiential Education • Health & Nutrition • Junior Science (includes Agriculture & Horticulture)

Small Class Sizes

With an average teacher to student ratio in our classrooms of 1:12, Huanui College can offer a much more personalised approach to learning. Our staff pride themselves on knowing their students and how best to engage with them as individuals to help them achieve their learning goals and expectations.

Cellphone Free Classrooms

We do not allow student cell-phones to be used whilst at school unless it is for specific guided learning purposes. At the beginning of the day, all student cell-phones are handed in and kept in a secure storage area in the admin block. They can be collected again at the end of the school day. Some devices can be used for learning however, they must be returned after the relevant lesson has taken place. Huanui College’s ‘No Phone Policy’ encourages better face to face interaction with others.

Big Challenge, High Support

For growth and development to occur a student needs to have the correct balance of challenge and support in place, and when the level of challenge is balanced by appropriate support, academic growth can occur. 

Teaching staff at Huanui College actively:

  • Ensure learning is appropriately challenging for all our students
  • Connect students with resources that supports their autonomy and discovery
  • Coach meaningfully and with clear purpose

Huanui College is committed to helping its students develop strong work ethics and time management skills. These skills are tested in the rigours of the Cambridge Curriculum and called upon from Year 9 onwards.

Click here to read more about the Cambridge Curriculum.

Key Learning (Learning Support)

The “Key Learning” department at Huanui College is a dedicated team of learning needs specialists. These teachers provide extra support to students with specific learning needs, and provide guidance to the rest of the staff on how to teach to suit individual needs. Key Learning staff focus helping students achieve their highest potential. Support is offered at the earliest possible stage, and a student who is identified for this programme will be provided lessons which take account of both the student’s ability and learning preferences. Parents will be provided with regular updates and offered help to support learning at home too. 

Click here to read more about the Key Learning department

Enrol Now

We have limited spaces available for 2025 and 2026. Enrol now.

*We would like to advise that we are at capacity in the Junior School for 2024 and 2025.  For enrolment in Senior School please contact to discuss further.

Read more about the enrolment process


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