Academic Life in Years 10-11

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Years 10-11 are the first steps in a student’s learning journey towards sitting IGCSE examinations. At Huanui College students benefit from small class sizes, extra tuition, and focussed teaching.

All classes are taught by specialist subject teachers. This means students learn from teachers who are experts in their chosen field, and passionate about what they teach.

Students are encouraged to achieve breadth in their subject selection by selecting as many different learning areas as possible. These are the first years of their studies towards the formal qualification of IGCSE and will benefit from the small class sizes, extra tuition, and high levels of focussed teaching.

Courses of Study Guide

Each year, we release a Course of Study Guide. The guide covers the subjects available, the content covered, recommendations and pre-requisites for each subject – along with other information about teaching and learning at Huanui College.

Click here to open the Courses of Study Guide.

Cambridge IGCSE Qualification

IGCSE stands for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education. It is a two-year programme leading to externally set, marked and certificated examinations from the University of Cambridge. Any student who takes an IGCSE subject will be gaining a qualification that is recognised globally.

Read more about the Cambridge Curriculum here

Subject Selection Guidelines

Students at Huanui College must take English and Mathematics and two other subjects as a minimum for IGCSE. They can apply to do a sixth subject with permission from Mrs Toni Koning. 

At Huanui College we advise our students to select subjects that prepare them for the widest range of programmes in their field (or fields) of interest.  By selecting a broad range of subjects for IGCSE it ensures students do not unduly limit future study pathways by narrowing subject choices too early. However, it is important to identify entry requirements for any University Degree Programmes, as some restrictions may apply. Huanui College does offer some NCEA options, please refer to the list of subject offerings below for a full range.

Mrs Koning is available to provide guidance and advice for course selection.

17 Subjects on Offer | Year 10

IGCSE Level Art • IGCSE Level Design Technology • IGCSE Level Music • IGCSE Level Accounting • IGCSE Level Business Studies • NCEA Level 1 Te Reo Māori • English • IGCSE Level Global Perspectives (Social Studies) • IGCSE Level Geography • IGCSE Level History • IGCSE Level Core Mathematics • IGCSE Level Extended Mathematics • IGCSE Level Physical Education • IGCSE Level Biology • IGCSE Level Chemistry • IGCSE Level Physics • IGCSE Level Computer Science

19 Subjects on Offer | Year 11

IGCSE Level Art • IGCSE Level Design Technology • IGCSE Level Music • IGCSE Level Accounting • IGCSE Level Business Studies • NCEA Level 1 Te Reo Māori • IGCSE Level English Literature • IGCSE Level First Language English • IGCSE Level Global Perspectives (Social Studies) • IGCSE Level Geography • IGCSE Level History • IGCSE Level Core Mathematics • IGCSE Level Extended Mathematics • IGCSE Level Physical Education • IGCSE Level Biology • IGCSE Level Chemistry • IGCSE Level Physics • IGCSE Level Computer Science

We have limited spaces available for 2025 and 2026. Enrol now.

*We would like to advise that we are at capacity in the Junior School for 2024 and 2025.  For enrolment in Senior School please contact to discuss further.

Read more about the enrolment process


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